Is Marijuana Withdrawal A Thing?

Signs of Marijuana Withdrawal
Marijuana is a plant with a psychoactive chemical known as THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). In addition to causing euphoria and relaxation, marijuana can cause anxiety, depression, paranoia, and psychosis in some users. The effects of marijuana are short-lived when it is used alone but long-lasting if taken with other drugs or alcohol. People who use marijuana for medicinal purposes often experience side effects, including drowsiness, dry mouth, nausea, headaches, decreased appetite, and insomnia. These symptoms are also seen in individuals who have developed a physical dependence on marijuana. Physical dependence occurs when repeated exposure to cannabis results in tolerance and withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms include increased heart rate, sweating, tremors, irritability, and restlessness. Most of these symptoms are easy to treat within days after marijuana detox. However, withdrawal from chronic heavy use may take weeks or months to resolve. The signs of marijuana withdrawal can vary depending on how much you were using before quitting. If you were smoking heavily over an extended period and suddenly quit cold turkey, their body will go through a process called "detoxification." During this phase, your body will eliminate any lingering THC built up in your system. This phase might last several hours to one week, depending on how frequently you smoked. After detoxification, your brain is less likely to trigger cravings for marijuana, and you should feel better overall. Although many people smoke marijuana daily without experiencing problems, others depend on its effects and suffer severe withdrawal symptoms when they stop using it. If you are concerned about withdrawal symptoms, you should consider talking to someone at the local drug treatment center or online support group (Check our CannaQuit Forums).
Here are some of the significant signs of Cannabis Withdrawal Syndrome (CWS):
Mood Changes
When you stop smoking weed, you may experience mood swings. Some people become depressed, while others are anxious. It may seem like all your emotional responses are out of control because of the intense feelings associated with marijuana. However, your emotions will return to normal once every trace of marijuana is eliminated from your body.
Marijuana Cravings
While Cannabis withdrawal doesn't usually result in craving more pot, there are two exceptions. First, if you haven't been using marijuana for a very long time, you may experience a strong urge for a hit even though you may not want to smoke. Second, if you have recently stopped using marijuana, you could begin feeling a need to smoke again as soon as possible. The urges to consume marijuana may come back just because you're nervous about going into social situations where smoking would be frowned upon.
Sleep Disturbances
One of the most common symptoms of weed withdrawal is sleep disturbance. People who smoke regularly report having trouble sleeping at night. They tend to wake up frequently throughout the night and toss and turn. Because of this, they find themselves tired during the day. Although marijuana makes one sleepy, the effect wears off quickly, so it's not enough to explain why you aren't getting good quality sleep.
If you smoke a lot of marijuana, you may notice that your head hurts when you wake up in the morning. You may not remember the headache until later in the day when they realize how bad it feels. You may also notice migraines after stopping smoking marijuana. These headaches typically feel worse than other types of headaches. The pain may make you nauseous and cause vomiting.
Marijuana often makes many people feel relaxed and happy. But if you use the drug too often, you may start to feel anxious. This anxiety could manifest itself in different ways. For example, you may feel restless and irritable. Or you may have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. Anxiety is a symptom of marijuana withdrawal because it stems from the exact physical causes of other marijuana withdrawal symptoms.
Marijuana users may think that depression is a sign of weakness. In truth, however, marijuana dependence can lead to depression. Many people believe that their depression is related to their marijuana habit. However, research shows that most people who use drugs, including alcohol and marijuana, do not experience clinical depression. While some people who smoke marijuana regularly report feeling down after stopping the use, these feelings usually go away after a few weeks.
Irregular Heartbeat
Your heart rate may increase slightly once they quit smoking marijuana. This is one of the first signs of Cannabis withdrawal, and it occurs within 24 hours of quitting. Once the initial symptoms pass, your heart rate should return to normal levels. If they continue to experience irregular heartbeats, talk to your doctor.
Nausea and Vomiting
The effects of marijuana wear off sooner or later. Some people don't feel any relief until several days after smoking. Others feel better immediately. Either way, you are likely to get sick if you overindulge. Vomiting and diarrhea are among the most common weed withdrawal symptoms. Nausea and stomach cramps are less frequent but can occur.
Loss of Appetite
You may lose interest in food while you're quitting marijuana. You may find yourself eating smaller portions or skipping meals entirely. Your body may need more calories to function normally. When you eat, try to combine healthy foods with high-calorie snacks. Try to avoid junk food and sugary beverages.
Weight Gain
Smoking marijuana increases appetite, which means one is likely to eat more food than usual. As the days and weeks progress, you may develop an increased interest in sweets and fatty foods. This is another sign of Cannabis withdrawal. Even though you may not crave more marijuana, you may become preoccupied with eating. To help keep your weight under control, try to avoid junk food and focus on healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables.
You may notice chills immediately after you stop using marijuana. A drop in body temperature causes chills. They're uncomfortable but harmless. They last for only a short period and then disappear.
Decreased Sexual Desire
Marijuana Withdrawal causes changes in brain chemistry. These changes affect how one feels about sex. One study found that men who smoked pot experienced decreased penile sensitivity. That means they had trouble getting aroused. Other studies suggest that women who smoke marijuana have a lower libido than non-users.
Increased Muscle Pain
If you have been using marijuana every day for years, you may notice increased soreness in muscles and joints during the withdrawal period. Muscle aches and stiffness are common signs of withdrawal. As your period of abstinence increases, you will see improvements and soreness will disappear.
Sleep Problems
Smoking marijuana disrupts sleep patterns. Studies show that chronic users take longer to fall asleep and stay awake than others. Many people report sleep deprivation as a result of quitting marijuana.
Depression Depression is another common symptom of marijuana withdrawal. About 10 percent of regular smokers experience clinical depression. Depression can last up to three months after you quit using the drug. If it's severe and prolonged, talk to a doctor. In conclusion, smoking marijuana has many unpleasant effects on your health and quality of life. These side effects usually go away within two weeks after you stop using the drug. However, some symptoms can linger for much longer. In addition, you may develop new conditions or diseases due to prolonged use of cannabis. Take care of your body by exercising regularly, keeping good nutrition, and reducing stress.
See a doctor if any marijuana withdrawal symptoms persist beyond two weeks.